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Technical Report Draft 1

Background Information
In recent advances, HVAC systems have been focused on exploring better refrigerants, introducing energy saving variable components, deploying advanced control algorithms and improving local fault diagnostics capabilities. The cloud computing system that we plan to introduce carries benefits such as its supremacy and continuous diagnostic capabilities. In this modern era, it is not a surprise where there are so many smart building capabilities implemented right at our convenience. And in the direction we are heading towards, we are going to bring efficient use of HVAC systems with big data, which is cloud-based computing system, to detect condensation issues in buildings.

Problem Statement
An ideal air conditioning system would be a system where users receive prompt notifications about faults on condensation, allowing early diagnosis before it becomes a major issue. However, we believe such an approach in the new SIT @ Punggol campus is not planned yet. Should the planning committee of SIT @ Punggol campus adopt this cloud-based fault detection system into the new campus, the campus will be able to maintain thermal comfort and improve energy savings. This will allow prolonging of the HVAC systems, improving the productivity of students and staff as a result.

Purpose Statement
The purpose of this proposal is to convince the planning committee of SIT @ Punggol to implement an air conditioning system that detects
By implementing such a system, this will reduce air conditioning faults, maintaining the thermal condition in the building.


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